Want to find out how to fix dead boot android phones. There is a solution for all brands and kinds of Android Smartphones and feature mobile phones. When the phone is completely unresponsive and won’t turn on, it is said to be dead.
Android phones that won’t boot up are also considered dead. Pressing the power button several times will not turn it on. A welcome screen or the logo of the phone won’t appear. Android phones’ screens remain black when they are turned on and don’t illuminate.
How To Fix Dead Android Phone?
This device shows no signs of being charged even when it is charged. A lot of people believe this is a temporary battery issue, or a software issue. There are also some users who believe it is a virus attack.
To learn how to fix your dead Android phone, search the internet. It is important to understand that flashing a custom firmware can fix a dead phone or device. If you want to flash a dead Android phone, you can use a PC.
What is a Dead Mobile Phone?
A mobile phone that doesn’t turn on is a dead mobile phone. It is common for users’ phones to die and not be able to turn on or charge if their batteries have run dry. Your phone remains powered on when you do so.
Step No.1:>
How To Check Battery Health On Android Mobile
- In most cases, the dead phones result from a problem with the battery.
- With a multimeter in voltage mode, you can check the average battery voltage of 3.7V.
- If it’s approximately 3.6V, move on to the next step, or else move on to the next step.
- You can boost batteries with battery boosters.
- You can now proceed to the next step if your battery is boosted to its rated voltage.
- If your battery isn’t boosted, then you’ll want to replace it.
Note 1: You can check with your DC machine or service station as well.
Note 2: After boosting, it is essential you closely monitor the battery’s performance. In some cases, the battery drains automatically after a certain period, and in these cases, you should change the battery and move on to the next step.
Step No.2:>
Make Sure The Board Is Not Too Short
- The battery connector positive(+) Negative(-) can test in continuity mode with a multimeter.
- The board is not defective if one side of the value is 230 to 360 and the other is an open circuit.
- You can proceed to the next step.
- In the case of 2 side values, your motherboard half short and needs to remove.
- Your motherboard is in an incomplete short condition if it beeps while you put (+ve, -ve) battery connector terminals.
- You must remove the short first, then automatically, the board will work.
- I hope you’ve learned about removing shorts in Mathi academy.
Step No.3:>
How To Check The Power Switch Of Dead Mobile
- A cold and hot method should compare.
- Use a buzzer-equipped multimeter for cold testing.
- Turn the multimeter to voltage during a hot test.
Cold test: Check whether the switch works in buzzer mode.
Hot test: Place the battery into the battery terminal and check that the voltage in the power switch is above 1.8V. The voltage may range from 1.8V to 3.5V, depending on the model.
Step No.4:>
Mobile Power Ic Repair Cost
- Make sure the display strip not physically damage.
- Using the connectors on the display and the 2-pin and 3-pin cables, check the voltage levels.
- If the display needs to replace, it must done. If not, you should probably clean the IPA, check the IC, jumper it, etc.