Using this article, you can learn how to change autocorrect settings on Samsung (referred to on Samsung phones as auto replace). Also included in the document is information on other text options that can be found on the auto replace screen. The following information is applicable to all Samsung smartphones, so please keep that in mind.
How To Turn Off Autocorrect On A Samsung Phone
Sometimes autocorrect can be life-saving, but it also can be harmful, altering your message’s meaning. Using autocorrect to turn it off is a very simple process.
01. The Apps > Settings menu can be accessed from the home screen
02. The Language and Input link can be found in the System section when you scroll down to the bottom of the screen

03. The next step is to tap Default > Auto Replace
04. Select your preferred language by checking the green box next to it or clicking the green arrow

Change Other Smart Typing Settings On A Samsung Phone
The Samsung smartphone also has other useful features that can make texting easier or harder. On the same screen as Auto Replace, you’ll find all of them.

01. Predictive Text
This program will keep track of words you type as well as words that your contacts are sending to you. The dictionary can be updated every week with new words, along with an analysis of the words you use each day. In Predictive Text, you can stop Predictive Text from learning your writing style based on the messages you send and the contacts you contact.
02. Auto Capitalize
Using auto capitalization, you can save a lot of time by automatically capitalizing the first letter of each new sentence whenever you open it. The box next to it can be unticked to turn it off, or you can untick the green box to turn it off.
03. Auto Spacing
An automatic space will be inserted if the feature detects a complete word. Similarly, this can be switched off by unticking the appropriate green box. You can use this option if your Samsung device continues to misunderstand what you are typing.
04. Auto Punctuate
Each time you tap the spacebar twice, a period is automatically inserted into the text. This option can be turned off by unticking the green box next to it, which will allow you to turn it off by unticking it.
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How To Change Autocorrect Settings On Samsung?
The reason for turning off autocorrect might seem strange to you. Unfortunately, it isn’t quite as smart as it would like to be. There is a possibility that autocorrect may fail to recognize complex words, such as legal or scientific terms, if you frequently type those words. In many cases, you can type much faster yourself if you ‘train’ autocorrect to do something for you.
Your Samsung phone can learn your writing style based on the messages you send and the people you contact. Those tools can be very useful, but they might also be seen as an invasion of privacy by some users.