Performing a factory reset for your phone is a practical, last-resort way to troubleshoot. You will restore the factory settings to your phone. During the process, all your data eras. Due to this, a factory reset…
- Problem and Solution
How To Fix The iPhone Touch Screen Not Working Problem
by Ahmadby Ahmad 8,302 viewsTouch Screens on iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch not working properly or in unresponsive mode. How to fix the iPhone touch screen, the solution applies to all models of the iPhone: Among the most common iPhone…
An iPhone that won’t charge is not a common problem. Although Apple maintains high standards, your iPhone might not be able to trust it sometimes. However, there is no need to worry with some simple step-by-step…
- Problem and Solution
How To Fix Google Chat Messaging Problems On Android
by Ahmadby Ahmad 8,217 viewsRCS is supposed to replace SMS, but it doesn’t meet all of the requirements. How to fix Google chat messaging problems Currently, the service may cause disconnection, failure to connect, or other issues. I recently faced…
How can one check the health of a battery in Android? The battery health of your Android phone prevents if you’ve used the device for a while. A battery is charged and discharged. Holding power slow…
Every smartphone comes pre-installed with a ROM. A lot of the features can be managed by AOSP alone. A custom skin is a skin applied to the stock Android or a custom skin to a particular…
- Tips and Tricks
How To Install A Custom ROM On A Xiaomi/Redmi MIUI Device?
by Ahmadby Ahmad 7,982 viewsWith Xiaomi, you will get affordable products with the latest features. India’s most popular smartphone brand. In contrast, many Xiaomi users dislike its Android skin. MIUI is a forked version of Android that is commonly utilized…
Despite the progress in phone technology, making or receiving calls will always be the most valuable feature of any mobile device. If your phone displays the message SIM card is not detected. It means you don’t…
- Tips and Tricks
Top 10 Easy Tips and Tricks for Better Smartphone Photos
by Ahmadby Ahmad 8,221 viewsThe smartphone has completely replaced the dedicated digital camera for many people. Many pros use their smartphones to take photos from time to time, including the Samsung Galaxy and iPhone. With your smartphone, you can always…
Mobile phones hanging up and making the phone slow is a very common problem. This usually happens to low-cost phones. Here we will discuss the Reasons. The reason why your phone hangs often and how you…
- Tips and Tricks
How To Recover Deleted Photos And Videos From Android Phone
by Ahmadby Ahmad 8,057 viewsWe go into detail about how to Recover deleted photos and videos on Android devices in this guide. Recovery with or without a computer is possible for deleted videos. Your precious videos may lose due to…
Now that Clubhouse is available to iOS users, you’ve probably seen users tweeting and posting about it. For the moment, Clubhouse is a podcast-based social network. It is only available on iPhones. You will not miss…